Internationalize Sumo?! How would you market it?

Hi V==

I assume that there are a variety of promotion techiniques to evoke gaikokujins’ attention and interest toward sumo.

According to the AISAS model of purchasers’ behaviors, Search and Action come after the Attention and the Interest. All of those approaches to evoke the gaikokujins’ attentions and interests toward sumo as three people have described above can be valid only when the Attention and the Interest are linked to the Search and the Action.

For the purpose of building the link before it fades away, the link must always be fueled sufficient and credible information. So I would recommend you to prepare a portal website of sumo with abundant information.

The contents of the website should consist of…
– the historical background
– rules
– enjoyable points
– terms
– schedules
– venues (sumo places)
– manners in watching
– list of arts (waza)
– major rikishis in the past
– populartiy among the Japanese people

and whatever the targeted gaikokujins might have questions about.

If they are to go watch sumo bouts by themselves, without anyone escorting them to help them enjoy it, missing of what they would like to know would be a great obstacle to lead