What Marketing skills will make me most Marketable after graduation?

1st Post:


I think it totally depends on what you think is a good job to gain as well as what your would-be employers would like to do then.

The essence of marketing lies in knowing and (hopefully) controlling the purchasing behaviors of the targeted customers, I think. So learning methods of consumer analysis or gaining familiarity over some group of purchasers (in either BtoB or BtoC) would make yourself highly marketable.

2nd Post:


Thanks for inviting me to your LinkedIn network.

I would like to add another thing you might just as well learn. It is semiotics.

With some innovation on marketing aspect, it is said in the Blue Ocean strategy that you could create a new market with no competitors. In the Japanese market, gradually shrinking overall, which has already been saturated in most of the segments, the Blue Oceans created with enormous efforts could continue only for a short term.

However, I believe that comprehension of semiotics and its adoptation into marketing strategy building always guarantee you an effective profit generation mechanism even in the middle of the Red Ocean.

I experienced it in many cases in which my clients successfully revived in their businesses. When you become a highly competitive marketer in the near future, there may be countless shrinking markets in many of the major advanced countries. Then marketing with semiotic point of view would surely enhance the marketablity of yourself.