I am glad to know that my comments posted in this discussion have been meaningful to you. You asked me some recruiting agencies that I think might meet your client’s demand. When I read the first part of the discussion in which you explained the situation, I first thought of M==. Although it is not quite good at gathering high-tech type engineers as far as I know, it has gathered numerous elderly engineers and it renders flexible service. The company may be your good start.
And other suggestions and advice I could present to you?
Yes. In the marketing thoughts, the more clearly the target models are set, the more easily they could be reached. If you think of the specific personal model that you would like to hire, the most appropriate method of reaching them should be automatically set. The result, in your case, might not turn out be utilizing the specialized recruiting agents.
I have an experience of gathering and hiring successfully dozens of supermarket backyard food precooking parttime employees by putting small ads in fishing hobby magazines. My ex-colleague could headhunt several excellent semiconductor engineers by finding a few local Izakaya diner places near the labs and by handing small leaflets directly.
So my best advice is to set the target precisely. I have experienced countless successful hiring cases, as the support for recruiting under demanding conditions is one of my major business fields. As written in my profile, I seek for THE original optimized recruiting plan to solve the problem, by understanding the details of the given situation.
If you need further suggestions, let me know the further details. In that case I guess I should be contacted by you through LinkedIn messages outside of this discussion.